5 things you should know about Wisdom teeth
Your wisdom teeth would not make you smarter. Usually, they grow around the ages of 17 to 21. These teeth are in the back of your mouth after all the teeth. You will get two on top and two on the bottom as part of a complete set of 32 adult teeth. If you are looking for any teeth consultation, our Wisdom teeth Auckland team will assist you. This post will tell you somethings which you should know about your wisdom teeth.
Have a look,
Missing Molars
Wisdom teeth are molars, your most challenging, most comprehensive teeth that grind food. Not all people have all their wisdom teeth. They are the ones most commonly missing from the adult mouths. Some would think that our jaws have changed over the years due to changes in our diet.
Possible Problems Later
Most dentists recommend you taking them out as a precaution because they may cause problems in future, that is:
- Before the tooth grows in, the removal of tissue around it can grow into a cyst, leading to bone loss in your jaw.
- If the tooth is on the side under the gum, it will destroy the nearby teeth by eating away the roots.
- Plaque and Bacteria will build up around a tooth that is only partly out.
- But public-health experts and many researchers don’t think that taking out otherwise healthy teeth is a good idea. If your dentist recommends it and is not sure if you should, you can always get a second opinion.
You should be able to get back to the normal activities the next day. To speed the ease and healing any pain, you might:
- Hold a cold pack against the jaw intermittently. It helps with swelling and soreness.
- Try not to spit too much, not move the blood clot that keeps the area from bleeding.
- Drink lots of water and stay away from hot beverages, alcohol, or sodas for 24 hours.
- You probably would not be able to open your mouth for about a week fully. Stick to soft foods that would not bother the area.
When to Call Your Doctor
Talk to the surgeon or dentist right away if:
- The person has a hard time swallowing or breathing.
- Blood would not stop oozing after one or two days, or pain lasts more than a week.
- Your jaw or face stays swollen for a few days.
- You get a fever.
- You feel noticed of pus or numbness or foul smells.
Other Issues
Wisdom teeth are the signs of disease or apparent problems that should come out. Reasons include:
- Infection or cavities
- Lesions (abnormal-looking tissue)
- Damage to nearby teeth
- Bone loss around roots
- Not enough room to floss and brush around the tooth
So these are the things you should know about wisdom teeth. Rather then it if you are looking for Root canal Auckland, Invisalign Auckland, Orthodontics Auckland, and other services in Auckland to get rid of your teeth issues. We are always there to provide you with the best services.
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