5 things you should know about Wisdom teeth

Your wisdom teeth would not make you smarter. Usually, they grow around the ages of 17 to 21. These teeth are in the back of your mouth after all the teeth. You will get two on top and two on the bottom as part of a complete set of 32 adult teeth. If you are looking for any teeth consultation, our Wisdom teeth Auckland team will assist you. This post will tell you somethings which you should know about your wisdom teeth. Have a look, Missing Molars Wisdom teeth are molars, your most challenging, most comprehensive teeth that grind food. Not all people have all their wisdom teeth. They are the ones most commonly missing from the adult mouths. Some would think that our jaws have changed over the years due to changes in our diet. Possible Problems Later Most dentists recommend you taking them out as a precaution because they may cause problems in future, that is: Before the tooth grows in, the removal of tissue around it can grow into a cyst, leading to bone loss in your jaw. If the too...